Sarfy says:
Darklight Woods near Smoldering Lake and Sableflame Crater (/way 34, -48, -8)
Sinking Sands near druid ring and beach to south (/way -1460, 229, -9)
Tranquil Sea, South Dshinn near Lobha Peaks (/way -1413, 121, -539)
Pillars of Flame, north of Giant's Field carpet, NPCs in cave at shore-level
near Siyamak (/way 1385, -230, -837)
Commonlands near Dog Trapper Lake (/way 11, -13, -750)
Great Divide - SW of Scar Bridge (/way -343, -347, 658)
Lavastorm near Dragon's Breath Tunnel mount station (/way -102, 17, 67)
Butcherblock Mountains near griff station above docks
Antonica in Windstalker Village for the NPCs, mobs and shinies in areas
surrounding Windstalker
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